Postpartum Wellness: 6 Ways to Improve Your Mindset

The birth of a baby is a significant event in a mother's life. Regardless of how the baby entered the world either vaginally or by cesarean, there are many changes a mother will experience in the postpartum phase. Making your mindset an important part of your postpartum wellness plan will help during this transitional time.

There are three trimesters of pregnancy. However, the postpartum phase is often referred to as the fourth trimester. This is due to the need to heal physically and mentally after birth. The transition into motherhood isn't complete just because a baby is born. The following months are filled with many continuing changes.

While you are healing from birth, it's important to understand how to take care of your postpartum needs as well. Postpartum wellness is more than just a six-week checkup after birth. Your mental health matters just as much as your physical health.

6 Tips for Postpartum Wellness

Discover five ways you can prepare for postpartum wellness. Use the tips below to make a plan for your recovery.

1. Give Yourself Grace

The most important part of your postpartum wellness plan is to give yourself grace. It's easy to feel like you have to do everything for your baby because you are the mother. However, your healing (physically and mentally) is important. Learn how to ask for help, accept help, and rest more.

During the days when you feel like you haven't accomplished much, those are the days when you really have accomplished the most. You spent time bonding with your baby and resting. That is enough. Give yourself grace; you don't need to do everything every day.

2. Stay Open-minded

You will have expectations of yourself as a mom. However, those expectations can go out the window quickly as you experience postpartum. Your body will need you to go slower and your mind will need to have a break. Stay open-minded when it comes to expecting yourself to do more. Instead, take the time to do less.

In addition, an open mind invites opportunities for less stress. When you are willing to relinquish control over things that need to change, you are more willing to accept those changes. This leads to a happier outcome that isn't full of disappointment.

3. Eat Well and Stay Hydrated

Eating well is key to keeping your body nourished and able to heal faster and more effectively. In addition, you will need to stay hydrated. Part of managing your postpartum wellness plan is ensuring you are getting all of the key elements needed to heal your body, but also nourish your mind.

You can't think well on an empty stomach nor will you feel well if you are dehydrated. Make a plan to eat all three meals per day and start your days with a large glass of water. This may sound simple. However, many mothers who have just given birth often forget about taking care of themselves in addition to their new baby.

4. Mindset Check-in

A mindset check-in can be done by using a journal each day. This isn't meant to add another to-do list item for your day. On the contrary, it's meant to give you time for yourself where you can freely jot down whatever is on your mind.

Taking time to check in with yourself is a great way to see how you are feeling mentally. Your postpartum mindset can give you insight to discover if you are struggling with postpartum depression or postpartum anxiety. This is important to address as soon as possible so that you can get the help that you need.

5. Find Support

One of the top tips for postpartum wellness is finding support through a perinatal mental health-certified therapist like me. A therapist who has PMH-C following their credentials means they are specially trained in helping mothers with their mental health. Not all therapists are specialized in this area. Therefore, it's important to find someone who is trained specifically for this area.

Reaching out to a therapist is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your baby. A therapist can help you distinguish if you are struggling with any perinatal mood disorders. They can also help just by being there to listen to you and guide you. Don't underestimate the power of talk therapy; it is life-changing.

6. Join a Support Group

Being around other mothers who are experiencing the same life changes that you are experiencing can be comforting. Get support from other mothers who are in the postpartum phase as well. You can be a support for them just as much as they can be a support for you. It takes a village to raise a baby and it takes a village to raise a mother.

Postpartum Wellness is Important for You and Baby

Postpartum wellness is an often under-discussed topic. There are several prenatal appointments and checkups for your baby after birth. However, a mother is not as nearly taken care of as a baby. When a baby is born, so is the mother. Therefore, a mother's postpartum wellness should be a top priority.

Implementing the tips listed above will help keep you a priority as well. Taking care of yourself is taking care of your baby. Make a plan for your postpartum wellness that will best fit your lifestyle and help you care for yourself and your baby.

If you are ready to take control of your postpartum wellness, now is the best time to reach out to a therapist to get you on the right track. You can quickly set up a free consultation with me by clicking here. My name is Cheryl Reeley LCSW, MS, PMH-C and I help women navigate the uncertain path to a happy family. Learn more about me here.


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