6 Ways to Cope with Perinatal Anxiety

Pregnancy is typically an exciting time in a woman’s life. To feel the growth of another human being inside of your own body is an experience unlike any other. It’s also exhausting, but it’s worth it for that end result. Typically, people who learn of your pregnancy are excited for you. But what happens when you can’t seem to find your own joy due to perinatal anxiety?

First and foremost, you are not alone in feeling this way. Many expecting mothers experience some anxiety in pregnancy. This is known as perinatal anxiety. There is pressure that is put on you as soon as you find out you are pregnant. It’s understandable to feel overwhelmed with worry and anxious about the future.

What isn’t normal, however, is not being able to find any joy or hope during pregnancy. This is a sign that there may be a deeper issue happening that needs to be addressed. If you suspect you may be suffering with perinatal anxiety, learn how you can cope with it to take back control over your pregnancy. A new baby is a life changing experience; you don’t have to be on this journey alone.

What is Perinatal Anxiety?

Perinatal anxiety is known to affect pregnant women. It is also referred to as prenatal anxiety. Not every pregnant woman will experience the same level of anxiety. You can be diagnosed on a spectrum of mild, moderate, or severe. No matter which end of the spectrum you are on for perinatal anxiety, it is always best to seek ways to overcome it instead of just waiting around hoping it will go away on its own.

To understand the signs and symptoms of perinatal anxiety that you should be on the lookout for, read this in-depth post about how to spot perinatal anxiety.

6 Ways to Cope with Perinatal Anxiety

Finding ways to cope with perinatal anxiety could make all the difference for you in your pregnancy. It’s time to figure out how you can help yourself through this challenging time so that you can find joy in your pregnancy again.

Talk with Your Provider

One of the most important steps to learning how to cope with perinatal anxiety is to bring it up to your provider. Your provider is the first line of defense and can help you gain some knowledge about what you are experiencing. 

You can also ask your provider for recommendations or other resources. They may even give you a referral to see a specialist if needed. Don’t be afraid to be open and honest about what you are feeling. Advocate for yourself.

Find a Therapist

A therapist with the PMH-C certification is the best option to help you with perinatal anxiety. Not every therapist specializes in the same thing. Therefore, finding someone who can help you specifically will make all the difference.

Therapists like me know how to guide you in this journey to feeling less anxious during your pregnancy. Let’s talk about what fears you have and make a plan to break through those boundaries together.

Use a Journal

Journaling is a powerful coping mechanism for nearly everyone. It is a positive way to get your thoughts out of your head. It relaxes you once you write down things that are bothering you. Journaling is also a way to chronicle your symptoms to notice if you are getting worse or better. Make a dedicated, special space in your home where you are reminded to journal everyday.

Listen to Podcasts

Podcasts have a way of helping people learn and feel better about their life circumstances. Find a podcast that you enjoy and take time to listen to it. It doesn’t have to be pregnancy or motherhood related if you don’t want it to be. Just giving yourself that space to let your mind focus on something else for a while is helpful.

Connect with Others

Find others online, in groups, or in your community whom you can relate with perinatal anxiety. Share your stories together, learn from one another, and just be a support for each other. It is well-known that in groups or communities of support, people find a sense of peace and support with those in their group.

Lean on Your Support System

You have a support system of family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, etc. Use them to support you in this journey. They can send you meals, call/text you to check on you, send you necessities, or even help you find resources. The people who are in your life are there because they care about you. Let them help you as well.

Don’t Let Perinatal Anxiety Rob You of Joy

Pregnancy can be a joyful and nerving time. But you don’t have to let perinatal anxiety rob you of the joy you want to feel in your pregnancy. The good news is you can fight back using the six tips in this post to help you in this journey.

While much of the focus is on the baby during your pregnancy, you still matter and you deserve care as well. Your mental health needs to be addressed and your fears need to be validated. You can get through this one day at a time.

If you are someone who is struggling with perinatal anxiety, I would love to be a resource and a guide for you as a maternal mental health therapist. I specialize in helping new and expecting mothers during this life changing event. Let’s set up a free consultation to get to know one another better and partner to bring back the light into your pregnancy and remove the gloom. Click here to set up your consultation.


Perinatal Anxiety and Therapy: Implementing Treatment Options


What is Perinatal Anxiety: Understanding Anxiety in Pregnancy