How to Have a Healthy Pregnancy: The Top Secret You Need to Know

Pregnancy is the most vulnerable, exciting, scary, and transitional time in a woman's life. Your body is undergoing a massive project by creating a life inside of your womb. That is no easy feat. There are many things to consider adding to your prenatal regimen in order to have a healthy pregnancy.

When you found out you were pregnant, you likely went through a list of things you needed to change about your lifestyle in order to have a healthy pregnancy. Things like quitting smoking and drinking, and taking up some light exercise to help manage your pregnancy weight are usually at the top of any pregnant woman's mind.

However, there is more to having a healthy pregnancy that you may not realize. The most important part that isn't usually added to prenatal regimens includes caring for your mental health in addition to your overall physical health. Pregnancy isn't about preparing to get back into your pre-pregnancy jeans after birth; it's about preparing for the well-being of both you and your baby.

What is a Healthy Pregnancy?

A healthy pregnancy can be defined in a few different ways depending on the source you are taking advice from. Some refer to it as a pregnancy that incorporates regular daily exercise. Others refer to it as a pregnancy that is full of all the fruits and green veggies possible. However, healthcare providers refer to a healthy pregnancy as a pregnancy that goes full-term with no complications. 

The definition really can be determined by your mindset and what you consider to be "healthy". Despite the many definitions of a healthy pregnancy, the number one secret you need to know about having a successful pregnancy should also include preparing your mental health.

5 Ways to Have a Healthy Pregnancy

The following list includes ways you can have a healthy pregnancy. All of the ideas included in this list are valuable.

1. Therapy

Exercise and eating healthy during pregnancy is important. However, engaging in therapy during pregnancy is equally important, if not more. You will undergo a major transformation in your identity when you have a baby. Therefore, it's important to understand how to cope with such a dramatic change in your life.

In addition, many pregnant women suffer from fears of having a baby and/or memories of their own negative childhood experiences. These are important to unpack before your baby is born so that you can work through them and create healthy coping mechanisms. Therapy is one of the most important parts of your prenatal care.

2. Join a Support Group

Support groups are great resources for expecting mothers. In the group, you can talk about your pregnancy, how you are feeling about adding a baby to your family, and just be in a safe place that allows you to talk openly without judgment. Hearing from other expecting moms can help ease your anxieties and help feel like you are not alone in this.

In addition, support groups are a great place to meet other moms to add to your village and start playdates with after your baby is born. You will need all the support you can get during this season. Therefore, joining a support group can be extremely beneficial in your pregnancy.

3. Make a Plan with Your Partner

An important way to have a healthy pregnancy is by being able to talk to your spouse or partner about expectations for the baby's arrival. Right now, there isn't much your partner can do while you are pregnant. However, once your baby is born, that person will need to be a big supporter and partner during this transitional time in your life.

Make a plan for who will stay up for late-night feedings, who will get up in the night to change diapers, when friends and family can come over to meet the baby, etc. These topics may sound easy to take care of later on. However, talking about them now and making a plan with your partner can save you the headache of trying to have these conversations when you are sleep deprived later on.

4. Rest

Rest is an important part of having a healthy pregnancy. Your body is going through dramatic changes. It is best to rest whenever possible so that your body doesn't get worn out. In addition, rest is healthy for your mental health as well, especially after therapy sessions when you exercised your brain. Resting gives your body and mind a chance to reset. Don't push yourself too much. Take time to recover each day.

5. Limit Social Media

In an effort to take care of your mind just as much as your body during pregnancy, consider limiting or foregoing social media completely during your pregnancy. The temptation to compare yourself to others who are pregnant can be damaging to your mental health. No one's pregnancy is the same as someone else's. Don't let social media trick you into believing you aren't doing your best.

A Healthy Pregnancy Goes Beyond Exercise and Eating Well

While the definition of a healthy pregnancy can differ depending on the source, it's safe to say your mental health should also be part of your prenatal regimen in addition to exercising and eating well. Seeking a therapist who specializes in perinatal mental health will make all the difference.

As a therapist, I can firmly say that your mental health is just as important as your physical health during pregnancy. When you are left wandering Google in search of other people's birth stories and fears develop, this is where I come in to assist you with coping and training your mind to accept the changes you are facing in your life.

You can learn more about me here and how I help pregnant women in their mental health journey. You can also click here to request a complimentary consultation with me so that we can partner together to help you have a healthy pregnancy.


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