How to Find Pregnancy Brain Relief and Boost Your Mental Health

Pregnancy brain is often referred to as one of the silliest symptoms of pregnancy. Many expecting mothers become forgetful during pregnancy and brush it off as a "mom brain" moment. While this is partially true, the real reasons behind pregnancy brain can be surprising and beneficial to learn.

Pregnancy brain isn't just a symptom of pregnancy nor is it a disability. In fact, an expecting mother who experiences pregnancy brain is a sign that her brain is actually changing due to the growing human being inside of her womb. Pregnancy brain is a phenomenal occurrence.

If you are experiencing pregnancy brain and want to know how to help with the forgetfulness that comes with it, follow along to learn more. The tips provided below will help you keep things in order as you go about your life and your pregnancy.

What is Pregnancy Brain?

Pregnancy brain is often referred to as mom brain, momnesia, or mommy brain. It is a normal occurrence in pregnancy. Due to the high levels of progesterone and estrogen in the body during pregnancy, these hormones affect neurons in the brain. 

According to a study on LiveScience, "Pregnancy leads to striking changes in the brain, including alterations in gray matter and regions involved in self-perception..." These changes are critical and needed for the growth, development, and bond between a mother and baby. 

However, that doesn't mean pregnancy brain is easy to cope with. Many expecting mothers become frustrated with pregnancy brain, which can directly impact their maternal mental health.

How to Help Pregnancy Brain

There is no cure or quick fix for pregnancy brain. However, there are ways you can help yourself through the forgetful episodes.

Write things down

No matter how small you think something might be, it's important to write things down that pop into your mind. Something that may seem like you could never forget quickly becomes the first thing you forget. Keep a notebook handy to jot down reminders or ideas that come to you during the day so that you have an account of things you want to remember later.

Use a voice memo app

Voice memo apps can be a helpful tool to use during the day when you want to record your thoughts or reminders. Whether you are on the go, at work, or relaxing at home, a voice memo app can come in handy to record your thoughts. Keep each memo on your phone to replay later when you need to recall your thoughts.

Dedicate journal time

Journaling is not only very therapeutic, but it also helps to get your thoughts down on paper to help you remember things later. When pregnancy brain kicks in, you can go to your journal and review things you've had on your mind lately to help spark reminders.

Set a time each day to dedicate to your journal. Even if you don't feel like you have anything important to write, still take the time to write down what is on your mind or even doodle for a few minutes.

Talk to a therapist

Get help with pregnancy brain by talking to a therapist. As an expecting mother, your body is making changes each day that are out of your control. Add in feeling like you are losing your mind and things can become overwhelming very quickly. Take this opportunity to talk about your feelings about all of these changes with a licensed therapist.

In therapy, you can address any worries you might have about your pregnancy or becoming a parent. In addition, therapy can be used to keep your mental health strong, meaning you don't need to feel desperate before you begin therapy. Use therapy as a tool to strengthen and maintain a healthy mind.


When you seem to be forgetting things, it can be frustrating to you and the people who are counting on you to do things. Instead of pressuring yourself to do it all, delegate things to other people. This will help take things off of your plate, which gives you less chance of forgetting something. Additionally, you will feel calmer knowing that you aren't forgetting anything because you have delegated where needed.


Rest is one of the most valuable tools you have. There is no sense in getting worked up over things and trying to push through them when you are exhausted. This only leaves room for more mistakes, more forgetfulness, and more frustration.

When you can, pencil in some rest time during your day. Allow your body to nurture your growing baby while helping your mind adjust to the hormone increase. Your rest will be the most productive thing you can do for your pregnancy and for your mind.

Pregnancy Brain is a Sign of Change

Everything else in your life is changing now that you are expecting a baby. Your brain is one of the top things that changes in your body as well. Thankfully, this change can be a good thing as it is allowing you to adjust to your baby's future needs.

Change can be hard to cope with and even harder to accept. That is why it's important to implement ways to help yourself during pregnancy brain moments. The good news is that your brain is facing this symptom only temporarily. Therefore, you don't have to worry that you will be a forgetful person forever. The symptoms will clear up.

From taking time to journal to using voice memo apps and even seeing a therapist, there are plenty of ways you can help yourself during this transitional time. Don't suffer alone and don't force yourself to try to remember and do all of the things by yourself. This is an important time for your body; help make the process easier for your sake.

Click here to request a complimentary consultation with me and let's partner together for your mental health journey.


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