Mood Disorders in Motherhood and How to Cope

As a human, you are gifted with many emotions that make you the person you are today. From a young age when you started to feel emotions, you had to learn how to regulate them and how to respond when emotions got the best of you. Sometimes these moods can become overwhelming, but they can also be a sign of mood disorders.

Now as an adult and as a mother, you have to process where your emotions stem from and how to regulate them in front of other tiny humans. But what if your moods were trying to tell you something else? Maybe it’s not just about being overwhelmed. Having mood swings that are affecting your motherhood journey could be an indication of a deeper challenge.

If you are a mom who struggles with mood swings, there are ways to understand if you are struggling with mood disorders. Thankfully, these are temporary and won’t be something that lasts forever. However, you do need to take action to cope with them before they take over your life.

What are Mood Disorders?

Mood disorders occur when your mood is distorted or inconsistent and interferes with how you function. Many people describe mood disorders as something that isn’t them, meaning they would never react in this way normally. Mood disorders can show up as depression, anxiety, and even anger.There are many symptoms to help you understand if this is what you are struggling with. Mood disorders can become intense and difficult to manage. Life events and stress can increase someone’s likelihood of suffering with a mood disorder.

Mood Disorders in Motherhood

Mood disorders in motherhood come in many forms. The most common types of mood disorders in moms include postpartum depression, postpartum anxiety, postpartum OCD, postpartum bipolar, and postpartum psychosis. These are temporary, but will last for different lengths of time from mother to mother. Your hormones and brain changes following birth directly impact your mood.

5 Ways to Cope with Mood Disorders in Motherhood

You don’t have to just struggle through with the continued mood swings you are experiencing. There are ways to cope with mood disorders.

Pencil in Some Exercise

Any kind of exercise can be beneficial to increase your mood. The endorphins that are released during exercise encourage more moods associated with happiness and contentment. You don’t have to go run a marathon everyday to get this endorphin rush.

A simple walk around the neighborhood, taking the stairs, some jumping jacks in the middle of the living room, or a light jog could all help. Find the right way for you to incorporate exercise into your day. Boost your mood and your health at the same time.

Get Some Vitamin D

Studies show an increase in Vitamin D has been linked to a decrease in mood disorders such as depression and anxiety. As little as 15 minutes per day can boost your mood and increase your health. If you add some outdoor exercise to your day, then it won’t be difficult to get that Vitamin D each day.

Even if you take 15 minutes to enjoy some water in the backyard while your child(ren) goes down for a nap, this will help tremendously. It doesn’t have to be complicated.

Change Eating Habits

Research has shown that people, specifically in the U.S., consume about 57 pounds of sugar per year. Sugar and other forms of artificial sweeteners have been linked to increased mood swings. If you are someone who consumes food high in sugars, changing your eating habits could play a major role in increasing your moods.

There are over 60 names for sugar in the ingredients that make up the food we eat each day. Learn what those names are and begin eliminating those items from your life. You will find that the less sugar you consume daily, the better your energy level will be which directly translates to your mood. Focus on whole foods and watch how your moods and hormones begin to shift in a positive direction.

Talk with a Therapist

The best way to help with any mood disorders you may be struggling with is to talk to a therapist. A therapist is the first line of defense for your mental health. Let a therapist help get to the root of any mood challenges you have been having and provide you with professional help to cope.

I am a therapist specializing in mood disorders that impact mothers everyday. It would be an honor to partner with you to help you sort through what is causing the mood swings and what you can do to take back control of your moods again. Simply contact me for a FREE consultation so that we can make a plan of action together for you to begin feeling your best again.

Medications or Holistic Supplements

Medications are an option to help with mood challenges. However, not everyone wants mediation as a remedy. If that is you, there are other options such as holistic supplements and other organic ways to help. A therapist can help you establish the right method for your symptoms.

Mood Disorders Won’t Define Your Motherhood Journey

As inconvenient and uncomfortable as mood disorders can be, they won’t define you and your motherhood journey. There are going to be hard days. But you can overcome them with the right coping mechanisms for you. The biggest takeaway here is that you have to take action in order for things to change. Nothing will change if you change nothing.

There is hope for happier days in your future. Let’s partner together to help you find the root of the cause of your moods and find the right way to work through it. Your mental health is just as important as the health and safety of your child(ren). Put yourself at the top of your priority list so that you can take control of your moods again.


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